Promis.e Help

Visual SQL Query Builder Dialog, GroupBy Tab

Generates a GROUP BY clause in an SQL database query.

Selected Table(s) Displays the table or tables which are currently selected.
GroupBy Fields Displays the fields of the table displayed in Tables which can be used in a GROUP BY clause. This list box will be empty unless the query being generated includes an aggregate function.
Having Fields Displays the field selected in the GroupBy Fields list box. The display in this field is modified if subsequently a selection is made in the Functions option menu. For example, if MSLINK is displayed and Maximum Value of is selected from the Functions option menu, then MAX(MSLINK) is displayed.
Operator Displays the last operator selected in either Common Operators or Additional Operators.
Value Displays the value selected in the Value text box.
Common Operators These operators are analogous to the Common Operators on the Where tab page.
Additional Operators These operators are analogous to the Additional Operators on the Where tab page.
Functions These functions are analogous to the Functions on the Select tab page.
Clear Deletes the line selected in the Having Fields list box.
Apply Generates the GROUP BY clause displayed in the Having Fields list box in the SQL Select Statement text box.